Divorce Pending for Co-Author of Time-Tested Secrets for Making Your Marriage Work
Well … just the headline should be funny enough to make you want to read the rest of the article. But! Good heavens! Did you read the ten tips? By the time I got to the third one I thought for sure it must be an April Fools’ prank. This advice is ludicrous. Trust me: These are not good rules to follow if you want to keep a man. What really worries me is that there are actually women who think this strategy might work.

  1. Be an inscrutable creature of mystery.
  2. Never do anything yourself that he can do for you.
  3. Have sex no more than once a week.
  4. Don’t stop playing hard to get.
  5. Don’t speak.
  6. Don’t stick to your budget.
  7. Don’t initiate sex.
  8. Act independent.
  9. Don’t concern yourself with what he does.
  10. Don’t apologize.