Posts tagged “web design”
WordPress Wednesday: Amazon QuickTags Plugin
In which I add some buttons to the Wordpress Admin content editor
WordPress Wednesday: Displaying Huge Archives
Once you’ve been blogging for a few years, you’re going to realize that your archives page is huge. For the casual one-post-each-week blogger, it might be okay to display the titles or even excerpts of posts on your archives page. But what about you and your twenty-posts-per-day blogging habit? It won’t be long before your
WordPress Wednesday: Create a Twitter Widget
The team at ProBlogDesign has posted an excellent tutorial explaining How to Create Your Own Twitter Widget. The instructions are very detailed and by following them you’ll learn quite a lot about how widgets work.
WordPress Wednesday: How to Display the Age of Your Site
If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you’ll see that in my footer I display how long I’ve been publishing this site. It’s pretty simple to do this; all you really need is the DateDiff plugin and PHP’s default date() function.
WordPress Wednesday: Current Plugins
Here’s a handy list of all the WordPress plugins I’m currently using to publish this site.
WordPress Wednesday: Scheduled Posts
There are dozens of awesome features in the WordPress CMS, but one of my favorites is the ability to schedule a post for future publication. You can write a birthday wish to someone months in advance so you don’t have to worry about forgetting. You can plan to have an anniversary note appear on your
WordPress Wednesday: LaunchPad
LaunchPad is a killer WordPress “domain parking” theme. It’s the perfect way to let visitors know that something cool is “coming soon” when you’ve registered a domain name but haven’t yet had a chance to actually build anything. This high-impact, minimalist layout (example) comes pre-configured with two RSS subscription options — via email or feed
J.Crew Follies
I am astounded by how bad the J.Crew website is. The .jsp filenames indicate that the site is Java. It is tragically slow and the senseless implementation of AJAX makes it near impossible to use. It’s almost 2009! How can there be so many horrible shopping cart systems on the ‘net? And for such a
Parsing PHP in CSS
Dynamically process your css scripts
WordPress Theme
About WordPress themes