A dazzling solar eclipse will be on display across a broad swath of the western United States, Mexico, Canada and Asia on Monday, with as much as 99 percent of the sun obscured by the moon.

The eclipse will begin at 5:13 p.m. PDT, with best viewing time around 6:20.

[Update: Damn. I totally forgot to watch.]

There are 3 comments on this post

  1. What’s up, jerkie? Long time no hear. Wishing you well. 561-361-8874, yours?

  2. It was really great–there were half shadows everywhere! I almost missed it too, until I ran into some people beginning to goggle outside a grocery store–and learned, you can safely view the eclipse through the emulsion on a roll of film.

  3. Glad I’m not the only person that forgot about it…

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