Dan is the Man! He created the Sub Honker Filter, which is an excellent tool to track which weblogs have been updated recently. If you create an account with the Sub Honker Filter (SHF), you can choose the blogs you like to read regularly and the SHF will let you know when your selected blogs have changed. MSIE users will like the SHF side-panel bookmarklet – it loads the SHF into a sidebar similar to the Search, Favorites, and History sidebars. Dan was kind enough to show me the URL to give you, my favorite readers, the ability to automatically add this site to your SHF blogs: Add b l i n g to your SHF!
[Please Note: This is an ‘unsupported’ feature of the SHF. A user clicking on the add link must be logged in to the SHF for it to work properly. Bloggers who wish to add this feature to their site can find their own unique SHF blog ID by viewing the source of the SHF filter page that has their blog on it and simply changing the ID in the link I have here.]