The Superior Court of California has a terrific web site. I have no idea what possessed them to use *images* instead of *text* for all their links, though. That’s just plain stupid. But … I was able to pay my latest traffic citation on line, which was very nice.

This is an automated response from the Los Angeles Superior Court’s
On-Line Traffic Information System. If you have questions or require
additional information regarding your citation, please call (213)742-1884
between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday and select the option to
speak to an operator.

Your request to make payment for the amount of $xxx.00 has been processed for Citation Number XXXXX. Thank you for using the Los Angeles Superior Court’s On-Line Traffic Information System.

Ha entrado a una respuesta automatizada del Sistema de Información de Tráfico en Línea del Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles. Si tiene preguntas o necesita información adicional sobre su citatorio judicial, por favor llame al (213)742-1884 de 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m., de lunes a viernes, y seleccione la opción para hablar con una operadora.

Se ha procesado su solicitud para pagar la cantidad de $xxx.00 para el citatorio número XXXX. Gracias por usar el Sistema de Información de Tráfico en Línea del Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles.

There are 2 comments on this post

  1. Hmmm, the answer to your question, *images vs. text* lies in your last two paragraphs. Ahhh, California, the land of many languages. It’s so easy to say “learn English”, but trying to learn a language that has the most exceptions to the rules has mucho problemos. I’ve heard English and Hungarian are the hardest languages to learn, unless you were raised on them.

  2. In Texas the drivers test was all visual. A situation was dipicted and there would be 3 or four solutions to pack from – all cartoon-like panels. Pretty cool, I didn’t even ave to speak legalese to pass.

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