Danger Mouse!A package arrived at my apartment today. It was a box of (late) Christmas presents from my little sister. (She’s not known for promptness.) Each item is fabulous and is listed here in order of fabulousness:

  1. an egg-laying rubber chicken — one of the most amazing gifts I’ve ever received
  2. Danger Mouse Seasons 1 & 2 DVD — The World’s Smallest Secret Agent
  3. Adventure Joe Bender — just plain cool
  4. Nose Pencil Sharpener — extra cool because I’ve been complaining for months that there are no pencil sharpeners in my office
  5. a copy of You’ve Got It Made, Snoopy, by Charles Schulz, 1974 — I love Peanuts.
  6. an assortment of Rocky & Bullwinkle stickers
  7. a Bert Pez dispenser — I really have no idea why my sister sends me a Pez dispenser for every possible holiday, but she always finds interesting ones.
  8. a wee and tiny pack of Bicycle playing cards — very handy!