A collection of fake movie trailers

The ShiningMy friend Joy asked me if I’d seen The Shining, the classic Stephen King movie. I saw it years and years ago, on an ancient technology known as a “VCR”, if you can believe that. (I have read the book — an even more ancient technology — several times.) She asked me if I’d seen the trailer on YouTube. This is where it gets awesome. Check out this misleading trailer.

I love it! It’s an entirely new genre of web fun! Has anyone found any more of these?

Update: Apparently I’m almost exactly one year late on this one.

Here are a few more:

  • Fight Club
  • Sleepless in Seattle
  • Big
  • Titanic
  • Star Wars
  • Top Gun
2024-03-08: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.

There is one comment on this post

  1. You cant forget my favorite, Scary Mary Poppins

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