CableDrops FTW!

  • General Stuff
    • Crush the Castle is an awesome Flash game. You will become addicted. (Luckily you’ll also quickly finish the whole game, so it’s not that bad.)
    • The vendor/client relationship is often quite funny.
    • I need to get about two dozen of these kick-ass CableDrops. (Or you could buy me some for my birthday!)
    • The black Crocs Santa Cruz loafer is quite possibly the most comfortable shoe I’ve ever owned. I bought a pair in Maui to wear on the beach, but I’ve been wearing them to work lately because they’re so great. I like them so much I might just buy another pair in a different color.
    • I’m GatorDavid on the World Golf Tour if anyone wants to challenge me. That game is like crack.
    • Sure, sure … is a lot of fun. But have you seen
    • Anything is possible at!
  • Techie Stuff
    • jqPlot: Pure Javascript plotting
    • WPTouch is a WordPress plugin that will easily skin your blog for the iPhone. It’s pretty sweet.