Hydrostatic Body Composition AnalysisIt’s been a little less than four years since I had my body fat percentage accurately calculated at a mobile testing station. Last night I had it done again by Linda of bodyfattest.com outside of a health club in Reseda.

Last year was pretty rough on my body; I was under a lot of stress and was depressed about my mom and didn’t do a very good job of keeping myself well. I sort of turned it around in the last quarter, and have done a fair job so far in 2013 of watching what I eat and exercising regularly.

March 2009 January 2013
Height: 70.5″ 70.0″
Weight: 197.0 lbs 194.5 lbs
Body Fat: 15.3% 15.4%
Lean Body mass: 84.70% 84.65%
Fat Body mass: 30.1 lbs 29.9 lbs
Lean Body mass: 166.9 lbs 164.6 lbs

In 2009 the little chart I was given pegged my body fat percentage for my age in the “good” range. This year it counts as “healthy”. I’d like to get it down a few more points, but I suppose I can’t complain.

The important note from the results of my testing:

According to your age group and your percent fat of 15.4%, the closest value on the chart is 14.9, placing you at the 75% percentile with a rating of ‘Healthy Range’.

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