I’ve created a “Last Updated” system in my MT network and, although I’m sure it can be done better, I thought I’d share.
I have five separate MT blogs running now. On my main page (which will be converted to MT once the ability to import GreyMatter comments is part of MT) I wanted to display the “Last Updated” timestamp of each of my sub-blogs.
Here’s how I did it:
Within each blog I created a template called “Last Change” with a file name “change.shtml”. The entire template for change.shtml looks like this:
<br /><MTEntries lastn=”1″><MTEntryDate format=”%m/%d – %H:%M h”></MTEntries>: <$MTBlogName$>
In my root directory I created a file named “changes.shtml”. That file is nothing but #includes to each of the sub-blogs’ change.shtml file. Ex:
Latest Updates:<br />
<!–#include virtual=”good/change.shtml”–><br />
<!–#include virtual=”football/change.shtml”–><br />
<!–#include virtual=”code/change.shtml”–><br />
<!–#include virtual=”oceans/change.shtml”–><br />
<!–#include virtual=”songs/change.shtml”–><br />
Then on my main blog I simply added a #include to the main change.shtml file. You can see the result in the sidebar.
I know it’s not exactly the prettiest implementation and of course I’m open to hints, tips, and tricks on how to improve upon it.