coffeeA few weeks ago I bought a Sony CyberShot DSC-S50 Digital Camera. This is the coolest toy! I love it! I grabbed it on sale at Staples for considerably less than I could find it on-line anywhere, and I researched it at and a few digital photo web sites before I made my decision. I’ve been snapping pictures of everything that even remotely interests me. Digital photography is — in my humble opinion — far superior to 35mm or APS.

See, I love taking pictures but I can’t stand having photographs. What the heck do you do with them all? I have stacks of prints scattered (literally) across the country. I never get around to putting them in photo albums or categorizing them or… They just end up in shoe boxes in closets and they add to my already-overwhelming sense of organizational failure. I don’t have to worry about that with digital photos. I don’t have to buy film! I can take twenty pictures of the same thing and just delete the ones I don’t like without having to pay to develop bad shots and without wondering if a shot is worth taking. I have a CD burner, too, so I can easily file digital photos however I want. I’m kicking myself for not having bought a digital camera sooner.

2024-01-20: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.