Has anyone ever used BitBeamer? [ed. note: That link is now dead.] I’ve been using WS_FTP forever, and I just downloaded LeechFTP, but I’ve started looking for alternatives. [ed. note: That link is also now dead.] What’s your favorite ftp app?

Note: Yes, I know that this page gets about 3 readers/month, but I still thought I’d put the question out there.

There are 5 comments on this post

  1. I have used LeechFTP for years and LOVE it. I can upload or download up to 12 files at a time, thanks to the streaming abilities. (Only 2-3 files at a time on some other hosts – my host has things set high.)

  2. You’ve definitely scored a new visitor here. My personal favorite is AceFTP (http://www.visic.com/aceftp). I also tend to use Genesis (http://www.xav.com/scripts/genesis) for quick updates ’round the world.

  3. I like cuteftppro

  4. I’d go with SmartFTP. It’s fast AND free!

  5. I use Crystal FTP Pro and I have no complaints. Indeed, I have tested Cut FTP recently but it didn’t get me. []’s

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A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


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