Posts in the category “technology”
How to Get MagicMirror to Run on a Raspberry Pi Zero W Rev 1.1
A cool and fun summer project …
I miss being able to drag and drop to organize my iOS screen layout(s) on my laptop. I also wish Sonoma (14.2.1) would do a better job recognizing when my iPhone (17.2.1) is on the same WiFi network as my machine. I have lost count of the number of times a synchronization has failed because my iPhone “can’t be found” even when it’s sitting six inches from my MacBook Air and they are both definitely on the same network. And it’s enough to make me scream when this happens even when it’s literally connected to my laptop with a USB-C cable.
WordPress Wednesday: Closing Slash Hack
How to get rid of annoying closing slashes that prevent HTML from validating.
The team at iconfactory has been producing quality apps for a quarter of a century. (I first found them when I started playing the iPhone game Frenzic.) They have some really useful tools for developers as well as a few games and handy utilities for everyone else.
The Death of Twitter
In which he laments the demise of a once-beautiful service
Which app’s score presentation do you think I prefer?
I appreciate that the CBS one shows the pitching data, which is (traditionally) the second-most important meta data about the game. But the fact that I can’t tell who won the game, which is the most important data point anyone wants to see, makes their alert more annoying than it is useful. If it wasn’t for the CBS football pick’em games, I’d delete the app entirely because of this dumb alert. The app from The Athletic is far superior.