Posts tagged “HTML”
I wish I could think of something uplifting or witty to say by now, but I don’t. I’m sure that day will come soon, but today I’m just … tired. Hopefully these links will brighten your day a little.
- Meet Armando Villarreal, the man behind college football’s coolest helmets. – via @theathletichq
- Choose your decade and channel-surf the past on virtual TV sets. – via Laura Olin, who has a fantastic newsletter
- Allegedly, you can now scrub your personal information from Google searches. Here’s how to do it.
- JSON Crack is a free, open-source data visualization app capable of transforming JSON (and several other structured formats) into interactive graphs. – via
- “1500+ free HTML templates for websites, landing pages, blogs, portfolios, ecommerce and admin dashboards” – via @devluc
- Great news for people who love bad news: This year won’t just be the hottest on record — it could be the first to surpass the 1.5-degree-Celsius threshold laid out in the Paris climate accord. – via @scientific_american
- “Vanity Fair hits it on the nail.” via @deirdre.assenza
- Related: “Unfriendly reminder that good people don’t support rapists.” – via @iamayortrightkay
- Apropos of nothing: It’s nearly impossible to be a depressed ball of rage-filled anxiety while listening to Clair de lune. – via @gatordavid
- Please tell me Taylor is working on a “The White House” version of “The Black Dog”. And if she’s not, maybe Weird Al can get on it. I hope it’s shitty / in the White House… – via @gatordavid
WordPress Wednesday: Closing Slash Hack
How to get rid of annoying closing slashes that prevent HTML from validating.
Share on Threads
Here is the code to add a share to threads link on your Wordpress site.
If your HTML form does not perform its submit action when I click the RETURN key, it is broken.
WordPress Wednesday: Thumbnail ALT Tags
How to grab an image ALT tag from the WordPress Media system
WordPress Wednesday: Grab First Image from Post
In which I explain how to parse the first image from a post
Daily David
Links I’ve Found Lately
Daily David
Links! Links! Links!
WordPress Wednesday: Amazon QuickTags Plugin
In which I add some buttons to the Wordpress Admin content editor
Parsing PHP in CSS
Dynamically process your css scripts