Good gravy! I’ve been suffering from a severe case of non-fiction addiction lately. I managed to grab three of the five Oscar movies over the weekend, but otherwise for the last month or so I’ve watched almost nothing that wasn’t on TLC, Discovery, or A&E. I’ve seen specials on mummies, temples, “the Iceman”, pyramids, tombs, the U.S. Mint … and Biographies on everyone from Ron Howard to Saddam Hussein. I just finished reading Cod, started that book on the coelacanth, and was enraptured this evening by an article in The Atlantic on the American Lobster. I need to get a job.
Did you see the Discovery special on the world’s most dangerous job: alaskan crab fishing? I was literally glued to the tv for that hour. (which is rare, since I have a serverly short attention span)