[The girlie matters] has a cool collection of MovableType tips and tricks.
Sadly, she is another blogger that for some reason doesn’t ping weblogs.com when she updates. I wish *everyone* with a blog would ping … it would make using blogTracker so much simpler …
Thanks for the mention! =)
When I first set up my blogs, I ran into errors pinging weblogs.com (I believe it may be related to the outdated version of Perl Earthlink uses) – so I turned the option off.
Believe me, I’m bummed about it! I also can’t use my “Recently Updated Keys” from my MT donation!
Just wanted you to know that I’m not being bad on purpose!
There is now http://www.blogtrack.com (note the subtle difference?!) which doesn’t need weblogs.com…
You mentioned “update”. Did you mean when an entry is updated or when a new blog entry is added.
As an related aside, what is the recommended protocol for updates? I modifying me “post” time when I made a relevant change to the entry and noted the original post time underneat the title.
Any recommendations?
An example of how I handled it: here