Tom BradyYesterday morning on ESPNRadio’s Tirico & Van Pelt Show, Mike Tirico asked if the NFL was in jeopardy because of the season-ending knee injury suffered by Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. Scott Van Pelt — rightfully, in my opinion — argued that the NFL is going to be fine. Tirico countered by asking if Tiger Woods’ injury is hurting the game of golf right now. I don’t remember Van Pelt’s response, because somehow they got off on a tangent about how Scott doesn’t like Oreos. (Who doesn’t like Oreos?!) I really don’t see the comparison, though.

Tiger Woods is without any question the best golfer in the world. He is arguably the best golfer ever. Brady is a great quarterback and is surely an integral part of the Patriots gameplan. But he’s not the best player in the NFL. Brady is not even the best quarterback in the NFL. (I hate to say it, because he went to the hated University of Tennessee, but Peyton Manning currently holds that title.) Yes, it really stinks for millions of fantasy football players who have Brady on their starting lineups, and it is certainly going to have a tremendous impact on the ratings, but the NFL is a team sport.

And, assuming you agree with the last line of this brilliant news item, Tom Brady is doing just fine.

2008-09-12: The New England Patriots website does not work if you attempt to visit instead of FAIL.
2024-01-23: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated. I should also note that the Patriots finally fixed their domain name. Oh, and I now think that Tom Brady really was the best NFL quarterback ever.