Posts tagged “wordpress”
Akismet and Comment Spam
In which I recommend a good WordPress plugin
Three Simple Steps to Fix Technorati Tags
In which I explain how to improve a plugin
Tags and Technorati
A little while ago I cobbled together a tagging system here on the site. The tags appear at the bottom of each post and you can use them to find related content. For some reason, though, they aren’t being caught by Technorati. I’m pretty sure I followed their specs exactly, but no dice. Every time
A Short History of
A coda prior to building an About Page
Timeline WordPress Plugin
In which I attempt to write a plugin
How-To: WordPress Tags
Tags! They’re everywhere! It seems like every site on the ‘net is adding tagging now. Tag clouds — ridiculous, pointless, and annoying — are not the reason. Tagging is a good way to get into Technorati and a good way to get more traffic to your site. It’s a nifty way to organize your posts
Disable WordPress File Upload
Although I can appreciate that it’s a really nifty feature, I am likely never going to use the built-in File Upload feature in WordPress. What has bugged me is that it’s in an IFRAME in the Write Post panel; I think it slows the page load. I was trying to get rid of it, but
DropCaps, Amazon Tags for WordPress
I have finally updated two of my WordPress hack tutorials so that they are compliant with v. 2.04. The first one — DropCaps — allows you to put that nifty “dropcap” into a post. This post begins with a dropcap I. The second one — Amazon Tags — adds two new buttons to your editing
WordPress Captcha
In which I deal with spam
WordPress Plugin: A Modern Major-General
A fun plugin