I have MovableType running now and this blog, Works in Progress is a MovableType blog! I’m using DreamHost as my web host, and thought – on the off-chance that anyone reads anything here ever – that I’d note some things specific to DreamHost. The most important thing to note is that under DreamHost a user has an account root. This is where you should place your MovableType db directory.

I have several domains hosted at DreamHost, so when I connect using WS_FTP I start in my root account. That means I’m presented with a directory for each of the domains I have hosted there. Aside from some shell-specific variable files, this root directory only contains one directory for each domain hosted, and, now, my MovableType db directory.

The path to your root account at DreamHost is simply: /home/username/

So, assuming you name your db directory db, the DataSource variable in your mt.cfg file should read: DataSource /home/username/db

Obviously replace username with your DreamHost username.

There is one comment on this post

  1. You arent using a SQL database are you? The datasource step is only necessary for Berkley DBs says teh help file.

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