Posts in the category “rants”
The Death of Twitter
In which he laments the demise of a once-beautiful service
Health Insurance Fun
Healthcare in America Is Broken
The only people who don’t think the entire health insurance system in these United States is irreparably, tragically, insultingly broken are the incredibly healthy and the absurdly wealthy.
Everyone else is screwed, and we know it. And yet nothing changes because the incredibly wealthy make the rules.
Four legs good, two legs better.
What bothers me the most about the recent cyber-hack of the Anthem BlueCross system is not that a company that large and that profitable — one tasked with the care of the most personal data of millions of Americans — did not have adequate security in place to prevent such a thing from happening. That’s
Los Angeles Monorail
Why can’t we have nice things?
Dealing with My iPhoto Library
Apple iPhoto / Photos doesn’t work.
#FridayFive: Illogical Bathroom Practices
View the Friday Five from December 6th, 2013
The Scarlet M
I’ve been thinking lately that there should be some way to flag others on Facebook to remind yourself to ignore them. Of course you can unfriend people; I’m not talking about that. I’m primarily talking about friends of friends. I kind of like the idea of a scarlet M, for moron. Frequently I’ll read a