Posts tagged “Disney”
#FridayFive: Unridden Rides
View the Friday Five from May 17th, 2024
My mom loved “Do not go gentle into that good night”, and I have thought about that poem quite a bit since she died. Last week I stood in Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey and explained who Dylan Thomas was to my son. When Taylor Swift released ttpd a few days later, I heard the title track and almost couldn’t believe the serendipity.
#FridayFive: Walt Disney World Resort Restaurants
Where to eat when you visit the Mouse
#FridayFive: Brands
In which I pledge allegiance
#FridayFive: Goofy Cartoons
Hyuk hyuk hyuk!
#FridayFive: Christmas Traditions
In which I list my favorite Christmas traditions
#FridayFive: #Disney Animated Features
“Tomorrow can be a wonderful age.” — Walt Disney