Posts tagged “beer”
Daily David
A bunch of links I found
#FridayFive: Things to Buy at a Game
View the Friday Five from May 28th, 2010
#FridayFive: Favorite Places to Drink Beer
Of course, the best place to drink a beer is in the garage after you just finished mowing the lawn.
Zima: RIP
To Coors’ horror, Zima proved most popular among young women — a demographic that, while generally fond of getting tanked, just doesn’t have the same thirst for hooch as its male counterpart. And once the ladies took a shine to the stuff, the guys avoided Zima as if it were laced with estrogen. from The
Friday Night
A fair cover band
Thursday Night @ the Roxy
Another Thursday night, another becky show at the Roxy. This was — if I remember correctly — the tenth Thursday in a row (excluding St. Patrick’s) that I’ve been there. This time I experienced Los Angeles parking nirvana when I got there. Not only did I get a meter right across the street, but it
Beer-Opening Robot
Just when you thought beer-drinking couldn’t get any better, along comes the Autonomous Beer-Opening Robot, or ABOR. It was built by Jean-Phillipe Clerc, a mechanical engineering master’s student at the University of Florida, as part of the school’s Intelligent Machine Design Laboratory class. link via Visual Distortion
A Few Good Reasons for Drinking
I’ve a few good reasons for drinking And one just entered my head If a man can’t drink when he’s living How the hell can he drink when he’s dead? – seen on a t-shirt for McSwiggin’s Pub, “where there are no strangers, only friends yet to meet”