Posts tagged “relationships”
Horrible Wedding
Brett Patrick and his new wife argued after they arrived home from their wedding, he told police. He had bruises and scratches — and icing — on his body, police said.
Scientific Research
A couple of interesting studies
Funny Stuff I Get in My Inbox
I added a new funny to the Funny Stuff I Get in My Inbox page and updated the dictionary and my about page.
Dealing with Irrational People
Once again, Jason is scouring the ‘net to find me valuable information. This primer on Dealing With Irrational People could be very useful …
Being Honorable
As a matter of fact, being honorable sucks. Just so you know. Dishonorable David … now that’s a cool nickname. (Way better than MuffinAss, you freak.)
Being Honorable Sucks
I don’t like being honorable. Not. one. bit.
Things I Know
To expand on this just a bit: I know a million things. There are many more things that I do not know. One of the things I don’t know is: How many of the things I think I know do I really know? It gets worse. There are things that I do know that I