Posts in the category “College Football”
The University of Florida Alumni Association challenged the University of Georgia Alumni Association in an epic Twitter *.gif battle using House of Cards and West Wing references.
#FridayFive: Gator Rivals
View the Friday Five from September 19th, 2014
Incredible Iron Bowl
Kick Six
#FridayFive: Top College Football Twitter Accounts
View the Friday Five from September 27th, 2013
It Ought to Be Easier
It’s really hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that Tim might not make it in the NFL. It seems absurd to me. When my alarm rang at six this morning, there was a text waiting for me that read, “Heard Tebow was cut from NPR before ESPN.” My first thought was
2012 / 2013 iCal College Bowl Schedule
College Football Bowl Season
Gator Helvetica T-Shirts
In which I consider who belongs in the UF HoF