Posts tagged “snacks”
VoJo Energy Citrus
Generally I am not the kind of guy that gets into breath mints. I’m more of a DoubleMint man. I chew gum like mad. But I saw these Vojo Energy mints while I was in line at Gelson’s and the packaging hooked me. They taste great and as a bonus have a little guarana caffeine
Bart’s Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies
If you are lucky enough to have a boutique grocery store in your area, see if they are selling chocolate chip cookies from Bart’s Bakery. They are, without a doubt, the world’s best.
Erudite Neophytes
Emerald Nuts: bad: content-free, crappy-ass Flash website good: wickedly funny commercials good: nifty recyclable plastic pop-top ergonomic container good: mouth-wateringly awesomely delicious nuts
Waxy Fresh Breath
Why is there wax in gum?
Wine Biscuits
Anne Albanese’s World Famous Wine Biscuits
Gum Disposal System
GumPals are circular, 3″ dry waxed tissues, made specifically for the disposal of chewing gum. The tissues come in 4 different dispenser models, and can be purchased in a variety of combinations. Refillable dispensers come with a supply of approximately 200 tissue refills. link via 50 cups
Y’know … I’ve been thinking. Reese’s Miniatures are better than Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. The chocolate-to-peanut-like-substance ratio is better. I mean … don’t get me wrong: I love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I just like the miniature ones better.
Who Wants Affirmation Cookies?
I just ate a fortune cookie. My fortune read, “You are the master of every situation.” I don’t think that’s a fortune. Is it just me, or didn’t fortune cookies used to contain fortunes? It seems that all the ones I get lately just tell me some lame, self-affirming nugget of nonsense. “You are wise
Krackel, Special Dark, and Mr. Goodbar
chocolate I hate when you’ve eaten all the Krackels and then all the Special Darks and then all the Hershey’s and all that you have left are Mr. Goodbars. Also, I want a cigarette.
free ice cream
Wednesday, May 2 is Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Free Cone Day. Need I say more?