Posts tagged “essays”
Johnny 99
An analysis of W.H. Auden’s poem “Miss Gee”
Five (More) Miles in Los Angeles
Some notes after a long run
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
This is an essay I wrote a loooong time ago … I must have been 13 or 14 … good old St. Paul’s Catholic Elementary School in Daytona Beach, FL …
To Have and Have Not
The novel breaks from the traditional five act dramatic plot sequence.
Thomas Hardy
On Thomas Hardy’s “The Self-Unseeing” and “The Haunter”, an essay from 1996
Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin
On Jonathan Edwards’ Resolutions and Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanacks
Minds, Brains, and Science
Does John Searle, in his book Minds, Brains, and Science, succeed in explaining how mental phenomena can be nothing over and above neural phenomena and yet be caused by neural activity?
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
In destinies sad or merry, True men can but try.
Meditations on First Philosophy
This is a philosophy paper I wrote in my sophomore year at the University of Florida.
Brains and Behavior
Some thoughts on Hilary Putnam’s views regarding logical behaviorism