Posts tagged “health”
Misdirection and Contraception: On Hobby Lobby
Imagine yourself in a bar where a pickpocket takes money out of your wallet and with it buys you a glass of chardonnay. Although you would have preferred a pinot noir, you decide not to look that gift horse in the mouth and thank the stranger profusely for the kindness, assuming he paid for it. You might feel differently, of course, if you knew that you actually had paid for it yourself.
Urge the FDA to Say YES to Accelerated Approval for safe, effective therapies for children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy — the leading genetic killer of children, which impacts one out of every 3,500 boys born in the United States.
Bad News for Resolutionists
Starting in the next few days, you’ll start to see them. They’re the resolutionists, and they’re going to invade your local gym. But new studies show some bad news for everyone working a desk job, and not just for the ones suddenly motivated to start lifting weights or getting some cardio “this year”. Those of
#FridayFive: Favorite Cold Remedies
View the Friday Five from November 22nd, 2013
#FridayFive: Favorite P90X Routines
View the Friday Five from August 9th, 2013
Stretch, Run, Stretch
About two weeks ago, on January 17th, Dr. Sohail Shayfer told me I was suffering from iliotibial band syndrome. He told me to take a break from running so much, to take two Aleve naproxen sodium tablets every twelve hours for four weeks, and to stretch, stretch, stretch. I’ve never stretched before or after a
Hydrostatic Body Fat Testing
It’s been a little less than four years since I had my body fat percentage accurately calculated at a mobile testing station. Last night I had it done again by Linda of outside of a health club in Reseda. Last year was pretty rough on my body; I was under a lot of stress